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Dear Unconscious Dog Guardian @Petsmart

Dear Unconscious Dog Guardian,

I'm sure you have no idea who you are, because you are living in your own world. Not thinking about any one else but you and what you want.

It was pretty obvious that your dog was reactive from 25 feet away- lunging and barking. And you proceeded to walk towards me (at the checkout register, baby on hip, dog on waist leash).

At 10 feet away, your dog still lunging and barking, my dog starting to feel uncomfortable, my panic and anxiety is starting to vibrate.

I asked "Could you please give us some space?" to which you responded while continuing toward me "She's friendly."

I internally screamed "WTF!? ARE YOU F'N' kidding me?!" I remained silent, other than my quiet "I don't care" while trying to feed chicken to my dog teetering on his threshold and starting to whine, trying to find my cash, with the less than helpful/compassionate male cashier stared at me, waiting for payment, like I am the problem here...and the 30 pound toddler on my hip...

I say again "Please give us space."

You advance again.

You again disrespected my very clear requests for boundaries. I am advocating for my child, my dog and myself....

I am a reactive human, constantly working to improve my ability to work through my triggers. But you are pushing my coping skills and personal space!

Next level of rational escalation for this disrespect would be what? Physical intervention? I restrained myself....

I left.

I gave myself the space that you, the unconscious human, would not.

Imagine if I couldn't!? If I was physically unable to leave because I was tied/restrained there? Or shocked for my reaction/feelings...(this is the all too common story for a reactive dog and "balanced training" b.s.) I DEFINITELY would have bitten her.

I remembered why I do not enjoy going out into the general public. Especially with a dog. Especially with a human child. Or both.

The lack of social decency, thought, compassion, respect...

I bet you would wonder why you got bit by a dog too, crying "they just snapped" after they growled and showed their teeth, multiple times...insert my eye roll.

An adult human could not listen to my multiple verbal requests. Because why? Because she can? Because no one else has ever told her to give them space?

So this letter is for all of you unconscious dog "guardians".

The ones who train their dogs by hollering and yanking leashes. The ones who let their doodles run off leash on the trails that clearly have leash requirements, shouting "they're friendly" and seeing nothing wrong with the fact that the other dog and human are clearly uncomfortable.

I hope you can wake up before you are bitten.

I hope I can educate your community to do, be and expect better.

I hope I keep meeting more people who respect boundaries, appreciate when you advocate for yourself and others and know when to just space out.

Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to your dog.

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